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クイックアクセス: 「ツールボックス」 > 「Internet Explorer」 > 「複数アイテム選択」
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クイックアクセス: 「ツールボックス」 > 「Internet Explorer」 > 「複数アイテム選択(IE)」
※コボットStudio/Agent2.1.1.1リリース時のアクティビティ(RCA.Activities.IE バージョンから、アクティビティ名の後ろに(IE)が付きました。アクティビティのバージョンを更新する方法は「アクティビティの追加・削除方法(」をご参照ください。
The Select Multiple Items activity allows you to select many items from a combo box or list box.
ContinueOnError ・・・ A Boolean variable has two possible values: True or False. True: allows the rest of the process to continue the execution even an error occurs within the activity. False (default): blocks the process from continuing the execution.
From ・・・ Element to be referred to when searching for the desired element. Only IEElement variable type accepted.
ScrollHeight ・・・ Scroll before getting the element. To input a number equals to the amount pixel to scroll vertically. A negative value is to scroll upwards, a positive value is to scroll downwards.
ScrollWidth ・・・ Scroll before getting the element. To input a number equals to the amount pixel to scroll horizontally. A negative value is to scroll to the leftwards, a positive value is to scroll rightwards.
SelectValues ・・・ The value based on the type of selection you want to use. It has to be encased in quotation marks. Format: {“Value1”, “Value2”,…”ValueN”}
Selector ・・・ String of characters that identifies the specified field.
ByIndex ・・・ To select items from a list by its index instead of value.
DisplayName ・・・ The display name of this activity. You can edit the name of the activity to organize and structure your code better.
ScrollIntoView ・・・ If selected, screen will automatically scroll to the desired element on the screen.
TimeoutMS ・・・ The amount of time (in milliseconds) to wait for the activity to run before an exception is thrown. Default value: 3000 (milliseconds).